Thursday, December 4, 2008

Beating Tabuu in SuperSmash Bros Brawl

Dear Wii Gamers

I want to share how i beat Tabuu in SuperSmash Brothers Brawl with you.

I chose the following characters:
-Captain Falcon

First what I've done to toggle the code breaking system is to evade all of Tabuu's superpowers and I kept it very clean. First I chose Mario "Hear we go". Ike"Prepare Yourself". Fox"green gun". In the middle use Pit to attack until his eyes are tracked with lasers in his eyes. Avoid and attack Tabuu at the lower gut and then blockade R.O.B. and then use Marth and say" You've still got no sympathy from me"! That's what we've been waiting in the end! Let's get to the Brawl Fit Credits! Think of it as one of our own founding fathers figured why and how he is twice as faster than Masterhand!

1 comment:

ArunSundaram said...

great adi....the true wizard of Wii..